Monday, July 23, 2012


          "Nunsense" now playing at the Beef  & Boards Dinner Theatre is a joy to behold. It is amusing, funny, wonderfully sacrilegious and complicated "punsense".

          The frivolous  plot of "Nunsense" revolves around the misadventures of five particularly different nuns trying to raise money to bury their four dead sisters who are cooling off in the freezer. Dan Goggin created this hysterical musical, writing the script, music and lyrics. This updated version I am sure Nancy E. Carroll had lots to do with. Not only did the extremely talented Nancy Carroll direct this show, she also restages the choreography and plays the leading role of  the Mother Superior Sister Mary Regina. But sincerely this is not a vanity show.

          Carroll has magnificent help from the other four nuns on the stage. Namely Amanda Butterbaugh as Sister Mary Amnesia whose voice can get a laugh anytime she wants, Mary Robin Roth  as Sister Mary Hubert, Lin Tucci as Sister Robert Anne and Laurie Walton as Sister Mary Leo. Anyone of one these terrific performers could steal the show, but they do not, having the sense of ensemble being more important. The ensemble of these five wonderful characters blend together so naturally. Each one gets their own particular time to shine in the sun or light if you prefer. All five have pleasant singing voices as well as uncanny senses of comedic timing. By the way, B & B's favorite witch, Lynne Perkins, steps into the role of the Mother Superior with her heavenly machinations for the last two weeks of the show.

          The set design by Michael Layton is good as well as the lighting design  by Ryan Koharchik. I also would be remiss if I did not mention that B & B's food is the best I ever had there. "Nunsense" is very amusing and entertaining. The popular musical "Chicago" will follow the run of  "Nunsense" which goes through to August 26th.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen this production on three other occasions over the past 5 or 6 years and I was found it not to be up with past performances. It was a poor production at best.
